I wrote this before I learned that today is "International Women's Day" (for all the good that will do to stop atrocities like female circumcision in this world).
Anyway. . . On to what has become the train wreck from which the US just cannot avert its collective eyes. . . .
Let's start off with the newest members of the The He Man Woman-Hater's Club. The newest members would appear, at least to my mind, to be CBS and Warner Brothers. Charlie Sheen has had multiple women make multiple allegations against him regarding domestic violence and other claims. Did CBS/Warner Brothers fire him for those allegations? No - they continued to work his womanizing ways (and other bad habits) into the show, objectifying women and treating them poorly. In other words, bringing the dreams of many teen-aged boys to the small screen. However, when Charlie starts ranting and offending CBS/Warner Brothers and the producer during his visits with the press, now they fire him. Lesson to this story: objectify, mistreat and allegedly commit acts of domestic violence against women and not only will we renew your contract, but we'll give you a massive raise and pay you almost two million dollars an episode. Trash talk your bosses and we'll kick you out on your butt. As a woman, I'd love to sit on a jury for the wrongful termination case - I'd find for Charlie. As an attorney, I'd love to be filing Charlie's wrongful termination case, because I think he's got a great one. As an aside, why hasn't WB fired a certain someone else connected to this mess for the pointed rants/attacks he's been publishing on the air and online?
Anyway, on to another apparent member of The He Man Woman-Hater's Club: Mike Huckabee. He seems to have gone all-sheenlike on us and came out with his own sheenisms the past week, including an attack on Natalie Portman, for *gasp* being pregnant, not married, but engaged. Hey, Huckster, about 2000 years ago, wasn't there another woman who was engaged, not married but pregnant, and that turned out okay for the world, didn't it? Seriously, what would the Huckster have Natalie do? Abort the child because the pregnancy didn't come in the old "love, marriage and baby carriage" order? That hardly seems in keeping with conservative values that say life begins at conception. So, Huckster, just what is the problem? That Natalie just isn't getting married soon enough to suit you? Tough cookies.
Apparently the Huckster failed to learn any lessons from VP Dan Quayle when he took on fictional character Murphy Brown for being an unwed mother in the 1990s - that didn't do Dan's political career much good. In fact, the Murphy Brown fiasco was as bad if not worse than Dan's "potatoe" fiasco. I ask the Huckster two questions: why aren't you berating the father of Natalie's child? After all, it does take two to tango and two to make a baby. Second, Huckster, where have you been for the past 8.5 years that Two and a Half Men has been on the air "glorifying" single fatherhood (a man who leaches off his brother living rent free in a Malibu beach house where hookers and other women are paraded past his then young, now teen son on a daily basis)? Apparently, what's sauce for the goose isn't sauce for the gander (the male of the species) in the Huckster's eyes. . . .
For what it's worth, happy International Women's Day for all the good the day will do. And, remember, folks, this is just my opinion.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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