Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"We have so much more to do."

"We have so much more to do."  A line from Michelle Obama's DNC speech this week.  And, believe me, this critic isn't wowed, just astounded at the audacity of the Obamas.

Well, of course there is so much more to do.  The present administration has failed to pass a budget for any year of the administration.  The president has played over 104 rounds of golf during the past 3.5 years and has attended over 207 fundraisers since he decided to run for re-election.  The First Lady has had excessive vacations, all costing taxpayers for the use of Air Force One and Secret Service (perhaps a bit of parsimony might make we normal people - e.g. the 99%/ the middle class believe the administration is actually on our side, but with stats like the above and $35,800 per plate fundraisers in tony Westport CT - for which the President and the DNC have refused to pay the local police costs and have instead placed the cost for security for *fundraisers* (e.g. campaign expenses) on the backs of the taxpayers of Connecticut - it's clear that the President and his wife are clearly in the 1% and paying lip service to the 99%).

We the middle class have so much more to do - like trying to pay down the 6 trillion dollars in debt Mr. Obama has racked up during the course of his administration.  Like trying to find jobs.  Like trying to regain the median income lost while the President has held office.  Like trying to get unemployment under 8%.

In February, 2009, Obama, in an interview on the Today Show with Matt Lauer, said the following "“A year from now I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress,” said Obama. ”But there’s still going to be some pain out there. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”  The economy has not turned around in the following three years, so why is he running?  Yet another Obama promise broken?  Or does he never believe/intend what he says?

Michelle, we the middle class, have been the only ones working - you and your husband have been playing at the expense of the American taxpayer.  Go back to eating your 1700 calorie lunches while telling the rest of us to starve, Michelle "Marie Antoinette" Obama.  All she is is a lot of noise saying "do as I say, not as I do."  Hypocrites, all.