Wednesday, January 6, 2010

NEWSFLASH: Dump Dodd has Succeeded!

According to CBS Early News this morning (4:00 am Eastern time), Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (whom, as you may recall, during his latest term, changed his residency to IOWA, accepted sweetheart loans from Countrywide, among other things), is expected to announce today that he WILL NOT RUN FOR RE-ELECTION IN 2010! For some further information as it develops, check here:,0,6882638.story

Apparently, he is badly trailing his numerous Republican opponenets, and I can only speculate that the Democratic Party had a hand in calling for his "retirement", something for which I have been calling for years.

I will believe it when I see it, but this certainly buouys my spirits.

Now, if only political parties would focus on choosing candidates that are worthy of the electorate, as opposed as to those whom the parties believe can keep their own party in power, I will be ecstatic.

Let's get some qualified people in the race and give us a choice - a real choice- as to someone who will represent the people and not any political party!