Monday, August 24, 2009

Congressman Chris Murphy Update - There's no update

Here it is, August 24, 2009 and Connecticut's Representative for the Fifth District still shows his next meeting with his Connecticut constituents to be: August 5, 2009.
"Congress on Your Corner
Over the last few years, I have held dozens of supermarket office hour sessions, known as "Congress on Your Corner" events, across Connecticut's Fifth District. At every stop, we had the opportunity to talk about what was going on in your community, and what you wanted Congress to work on to improve our lives here in Connecticut.

I can't do my job without hearing from you, so I hope you can join me at my next "Congress on Your Corner" stop.

Wednesday, August 5
Stop & Shop
498 Bushy Hill Road"

We know he can't be too busy meeting with his constituents, but, why can't his staff update his web page? Looks like yet another Congressperson too afraid to discuss health care and other issues (such as Congress foolishly throwing hard-earned taxpayer dollars around like drunken sailors on leave) with his constituents.

Once again voters - we need to speak up and be heard. If Congressman Murphy won't meet with his constituents, or even listen to us, he does not deserve to represent us. Please vote out all incumbents in 2010.

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