Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Utterly despicable and uncalled-for behavior.

Our elected officials never cease to amaze me with their totally deplorable behavior. Latest case in point: Representative Alan Grayson of Florida (8th District, including Orlando). Last night, on the floor of Congress, he opined that the Republican health care plan was as follows: "1. Don't get sick"; 2. and if you do get sick (sic) 3. Die Quickly." You can see the utterly distasteful display here:

I thought that, as Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States requires that all those elected to the House of Representatives be at least 25 years of age, we would be electing mature adults to the House of Representatives. However, Representative Grayson's display certainly proves that presumption wrong.

This utterly childish and reprehensible behavior does nothing to advance a civil discourse on the health care issue. In fact, it sets it back - way back. Show me where one single Republican said such a thing. This rant is, in my opinion, all the product of a very fertile and childish imagination.

While Representative Grayson remains in office, I for one will not be spending my hard-earned dollars vacationing in Florida (and for me not to visit Walt Disney World is quite difficult). As this Representative, in my eyes, is not worthy of the office, I will be boycotting Florida as a vacation destination for my family until he resigns or is voted out.

People, we really need to elect officials who are worthy of the office and who deserve to represent us. Not people who only try to advance partisanship with vitriol and misrepresentation (at best).

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