Thursday, February 9, 2012

Class and morals

Ah, I am so tired of the media inundation of the airwaves (NBC - I'm talking about you) about the latest JFK mistress to brag about her adultery.  It seems that 50 years after the fact, she just can't keep quiet about it and feels the need to parade her scarlet letter proudly.  Apparently, coming from money and being a debutante (or is that debutramp as my husband would say?) can't buy one class, morals or even a little remorse for one's actions.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not letting JFK off the hook - he was an adulterer.  But, one who is old enough to drink, vote and serve as a White House Intern is old enough to know that one should not sleep with a married man in his wife's bed.  And, contrary to her claims that I heard yesterday, JFK did not "take" her virginity - she "gave" her virginity.

In any case, at 70 or so years old, why publish one's indiscretions to the world?  Most people would be embarrassed, but it seems others will do anything for money.  People, please don't watch this woman (I turned off the program after hearing her speak for a few minutes), and don't buy her book - please.   Let her fade back into obscurity where she so rightfully belongs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed!!! Looks like someone needed a payday. Gin