Wednesday, November 7, 2012

American insanity

‎"Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results" - Rita Mae Brown. Sudden Death, (c) 1983.

Well, Americans have done it again.  Voted for political party instead of for country.  They have succeeded in re-electing a failed president who failed in his first term, and in his re-election campaign only divided the country further than he already had.  Barack Obama, the Great Divider.


economy:  unemployment rate is higher than he promised it would be.

national debt:  He promised to cut the debt in half and instead he has almost doubled it.  Each American needs to pay in excess of $50,000 to pay it off, and taxing the very rich doesn't even put a dent in the debt.

social issues:  Too many to list and too divisive for the country (democratic scare tactics on "women's issues" to name one).

foreign issues:  the POTUS has no problem with drone attacks on unsuspecting people, with "collateral damage" to innocents, but watches in real time as Americans, on foreign soil, are murdered, even after hearing their repeated pleas for help.  And then lies about the whole incident.

Hurricane Sandy:  He and the federal government have left approximately 30-40000 people homeless and fending for themselves in sub-zero temperatures.

Violations of the US Constitution:  1)  governing by Executive fiat - every time he doesn't get his way, he issues an Executive Order, usually infringing on the power of another branch, usually Congress, and does what he wants, Congress and the American people be damned.  2) creating a "hit list" upon which have been the names of American citizens.  Without trial by jury, a Constitutional right, he decides whether they live and die, and after killing at least four American citizens this way, we the American people will pay the price as the ACLU has brought wrongful death actions against the government.  see also
Once again, the President has no problem with killing American citizens without trial, but rescuing those under attack?  He can't enter a foreign country's air space.  Really?  Does he think all Americans are that stupid?

Divider in Chief:  Telling Americans to seek "revenge" upon other Americans is just appalling; slip of the tongue or not, it shows Obama's true feelings towards others.  Instead of running on the accomplishments of his first term, he chose to tear apart and demonized Mitt Romney and his supporters, the truth be damned.

And for Americans to fall for this and vote for him again leaves me speechless.  An America where the Constitution is violated in such ways, where Americans are left to die on foreign soil and on American soil after Hurricane Sandy, this is not my America.  This is not my President.

To those that voted for Obama:  You wish to destroy a country, go found your own and enjoy turning it into whatever you want.  Don't destroy the United States of America.

Now, more than ever, God, please, help the United States of America.

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