Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A big "Thank You" to the people voting in PA's primary

Thank you for showing Arlen Specter the door last night in you in the Pennsylvania primary. It was much deserved. After all, as he said so many times, he was only using the Democratic Party to get re-elected. And the Democratic Party only used him for the votes they could wring out of him.

Seems he failed to learn the lesson Joe Lieberman learned in 2006 - you only have friends in the Democratic Party if a) the Party wants something from you; and/or b) you can do something for the Party. If the Party doesn't think you can do anything for them, they abandon you. After all, Chris Dodd called Joe Lieberman his good friend on multiple occasions, but when the going got tough for Joe in the Democratic Party, Dodd ran away from him (as did the rest of the Party) as fast as he could. I guess Joe gets the last laugh now.

Where were all Arlen's good Democratic friends yesterday? Like President Obama, who promised his "full support" of Specter, was only a few miles away in another state and couldn't be bothered to do a little stumping for Arlen in PA? Heck, he couldn't even do a little stumping for Arlen while the press was covering him in Ohio. What about Arlen's good friend Joe Biden? Again, he was far away in Iowa, rather than the state in which he was born, PA, to stump for his good friend. Really, with "friends" like these, you seriously need to question your choice of friends Arlen!

Well, I guess when you lie down with weasels, you can't expect them not to turn on you. After all. they are "very aggressive when [their] territory is invaded" and they tend to eat small rodents.

In any case, so long Arlen, enjoy your retirement. I only wish that your retirement income wasn't placed so squarely upon the backs of hard-working, tax-paying American citizens.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Blumenthal supporter no more.

I used to think Richard Blumenthal was a good, not great, but a good Attorney General. After today's New York Times story, in which it was revealed that Blumenthal on at least one occasion, claimed to have served in Vietnam during the war, when, in fact, he received numerous deferments and ultimately served in the Marine Reserve and did not even get close to Vietnam, I no longer have respect for the man.

According to the Times, in March, 2008, Blumenthal said: "We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam”. On other occasions he parsed his words in such a way that would mislead most of us into thinking that the fact that he "served during the Vietnam war" meant that he was in active duty and fought in the war itself. As far as I am concerned, it would not have mattered to me one way or the other if he had served in the war; however, it matters greatly to me that he would mislead people into believing he served and fought in the war.

He has lost my vote. I do not need yet another prevaricator in this particular Senate seat.

For more information see the following: and

Memo to Conan O'Brien: Stop your whining already!

Enough, Conan, really. This is all my opinion of what transpired and you can't change my mind or take action against me for stating my opinion.

I am so tired of listening to variations of "I would never do to anyone else what Jay did to me." Seriously? Really? You don't see the hypocrisy in saying that? You did what you claim Jay did to you (in reality, what NBC did to you), not once, but twice.

Let's see, the first time was back in 2004-2005, when, in my eyes, you stamped your little feet and threw a temper tantrum telling NBC that you would leave the network if you didn't get The Tonight Show, effectively forcing Jay out of The Tonight Show when he didn't want to go.

Then you took over The Tonight Show, lost half the viewers that Jay had, turned over the king of late night ratings title to David Letterman, king of inappropriate work-place conduct (again, in my opinion), and then were upset when NBC fired you and offered the job back to Jay, who promptly brought back all the viewers and was number one in the ratings again.

After that, not only did you force George Lopez out of his early time slot on TBS, you required that George call you and tell you he was okay with it (effectively making George beg, on behalf of TBS, for you to join the cable network). In my eyes, Jay did nothing wrong - NBC forced him out first (at your behest), and then earlier this year, NBC forced you out (due to losing half the audience and probably money), and then you forced George out of his earlier time slot.

I see only two bad guys here: You and NBC. And, as far as I am concerned, you aren't even funny (the best part of your show was Triumph, not you!).

So please, stop whining about Jay. Try to do a better job on your next show so that George (who is funnier than you are as far as I am concerned) didn't have to grovel in vain.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Truer words were never spoken

Thomas Jefferson was quite the radical in his day, but he seemed to know where our country was headed when he spoke these words:

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." ---Thomas Jefferson

It's time to stop the growth of government and return liberty to the people in accordance with our Constitution.