Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A big "Thank You" to the people voting in PA's primary

Thank you for showing Arlen Specter the door last night in you in the Pennsylvania primary. It was much deserved. After all, as he said so many times, he was only using the Democratic Party to get re-elected. And the Democratic Party only used him for the votes they could wring out of him.

Seems he failed to learn the lesson Joe Lieberman learned in 2006 - you only have friends in the Democratic Party if a) the Party wants something from you; and/or b) you can do something for the Party. If the Party doesn't think you can do anything for them, they abandon you. After all, Chris Dodd called Joe Lieberman his good friend on multiple occasions, but when the going got tough for Joe in the Democratic Party, Dodd ran away from him (as did the rest of the Party) as fast as he could. I guess Joe gets the last laugh now.

Where were all Arlen's good Democratic friends yesterday? Like President Obama, who promised his "full support" of Specter, was only a few miles away in another state and couldn't be bothered to do a little stumping for Arlen in PA? Heck, he couldn't even do a little stumping for Arlen while the press was covering him in Ohio. What about Arlen's good friend Joe Biden? Again, he was far away in Iowa, rather than the state in which he was born, PA, to stump for his good friend. Really, with "friends" like these, you seriously need to question your choice of friends Arlen!

Well, I guess when you lie down with weasels, you can't expect them not to turn on you. After all. they are "very aggressive when [their] territory is invaded" and they tend to eat small rodents.

In any case, so long Arlen, enjoy your retirement. I only wish that your retirement income wasn't placed so squarely upon the backs of hard-working, tax-paying American citizens.

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