Monday, July 26, 2010

Just like Carter - a failed Presidency

Love the Associated Press headline today: "Obama's message to voters: Things could be worse".

Are you kidding me? How could things possibly be worse, Mr. President, what with almost double digit unemployment, a double dip recession, the worst economic conditions we have seen since the Great Depression, and a President, who, 19 months into his administration, still refuses to take responsibility, instead pointing fingers, saying "it's the other guy's fault" and not getting the economy moving. I guess it's more important to travel the world making apologies for the US for whatever sin (real or imaginary) you think the country may have committed during its existence. Or, while the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico is on-going, it's more important for you to go golfing at least 7 times, and on vacation with your family, but it's acceptable for you and your administration to skewer Tony Hayward for taking one day for a yachting event. To paraphrase Mr. Rogers, "Can you say hypocrite?"

Mr. President, you have been in office for 19 months now, and what you have "accomplished" has been against the will of the American people. Things could not be worse - you have made them worse yourself - own up to what you and the party of the "government of the Democratic Party, for the Democratic Party, and by the Democratic Party" have done.

And, let me remind you, Mr. President, since your memory seems to be so short, that the Democratic Party has had control of Congress since 2006, so, these are your party's failed financial policies and over spending for the past 4 plus years that have us teetering at double digit unemployment (which we really would have if we exclude the temporary Census Bureau jobs) and saddled the American people with an almost insurmountable national debt.

It's time to vote the incumbents out and for the American people to take back the "government of the people, by the people and for the people" from these foolish, inept career politicians and the organizations to which they have sold their souls (if they ever had any to begin with) - their political parties.

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