Sunday, November 4, 2012

The meaning of the word "Presidential"

The past few days, we had the meaning of the word "Presidential" presented to us.

President Obama said "vote for revenge".  Revenge against whom?  What fellow Americans are you seeking revenge against, Mr. President?  Why are you encouraging Americans to seek "revenge" on fellow Americans?  Do you really think such language unifies the country?  I thought, in 2008, you ran claiming you would unify the country?  Yet another promise broken.

On the other hand, Mitt Romney:  "vote for love of country".  So simple, so elegant, and so right.  This is unifying, not divisive language.  This is language of which Abraham Lincoln would be proud.

Seriously, how can anyone think there is an actual decision to be made?  You have the emperor, who doesn't have old clothes, never mind new clothes, who couldn't accomplish anything in the past four years, who has run a campaign of negativity, and who refused to work in a bipartisan fashion, versus a man with a proven track record in business and government, who has a history of many charitable acts, and who is ready to work, not waste countless precious years blaming his predecessor, and who has a record of actually working in a bipartisan fashion.

Vote for Romney.  We can't afford another four years of the "constitutional scholar" so fixed upon divisiveness and revenge, that he has ordered the execution of American citizens without trial.

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