Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Connecticut's 5th District Rep still working hard - NOT!

Sigh. One would think that after almost two weeks have passed, someone in the office would be on the ball and would update things. But, nooooo! Not in Representative Murphy's case. As I wrote last week, Congressman Murphy's web page still indicates that his "next Congress on your Corner stop" is August 5, 2009 in Simsbury, CT. "I can't do my job without hearing from you, so I hope you can join me at my next "Congress on Your Corner" stop.
Wednesday, August 5
Stop & Shop
498 Bushy Hill Road"

Remember folks, today is August 18, 2009. This says to me that he really doesn't want to hear from his constituents. Which isn't surprising, given the speed at which Congress wants to pass gargantuan spending bills. Face it folks - they don't want to hear from us. They only want us to send our tax dollars in to the IRS and to vote for them when they come up for re-election.

Frankly, as far as I am concerned, it's time to teach them all a lesson. When election time comes up, please, don't vote along party lines. If they are up for reelection, let's vote them all out. Really. There are only two things our elected representatives are interested in - themselves and doing what their party wants. We, the voters need to remind them that we elect them and they serve at our pleasure and to represent our best interests - not their own, and not their party.

If you don't believe me that our elected officials are out for themselves, then explain to me the midnight votes to increase their pay. If that doesn't bug you enough, then explain to me why these officials get the best health care coverage in the world, thanks to our tax dollars, while we poor serfs, I mean taxpayers, suffer.

Remember, if they are up for re-election - vote for their opponent. Party shouldn't be the most important thing for our elected representatives, and it shouldn't be for us either.

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