Monday, August 24, 2009

"Make my day"

My goodness! I don't know whether to consider this hysterically funny or pathetic.

Apparently Alec Baldwin (yes, that Alec Baldwin, he who pledged to "move to Canada" in 2000 if George W. Bush were elected President. GWB was elected President, and yet, Alec remains in the United States. So much for Alec's "campaign promises" ), has now threatened the good people of the State of Connecticut. Supposedly, he wants to move to our state only in order to challenge Joe Lieberman for his Senate seat.

Sadly, I guess Alec didn't learn any lessons from the last unqualified folks who challenged Joe. It speaks volumes about the type of challenger Mr. Baldwin would be - he chose to announce his challenge, in, of all places, Playboy magazine. Good going Alec - that should get you the Senate seat. Because we all have such respect for men who objectify women and who treat their young daughters terribly by calling them and and leaving them threatening messages and calling them pigs.

Come 2012, I won't be voting for any folks who are fools in my opinion. So, Alec, as far as I am concerned, don't bother. You'll only embarrass yourself further in my eyes. And I certainly, to use his own words, "have no use for" Mr. Baldwin.

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