Thursday, December 2, 2010

the Tonight show with Jay Leno and Mitt Romney

Fun and amusing interview with Mitt, with a few tidbits of political commentary as well. Go Jay and Go Mitt! :-) Be sure to watch the full interview.|home|featured|recent

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chris Murphy: Too little, too late to try again with you. . .

Ah, old song lyrics come in handy, don't they? Little late Chris, to try "rebranding" yourself as the "new independent" voice in Congress. Especially when you have a 98% rate of voting with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats and have been in Congress for four years (that's not "new").

You must think voters are stupid, because only stupid people would fall for the rebranding you are trying to set forth in your ads. Let me tell you, independents are some of the best educated people in the country, which is why we won't align ourselves with political parties.

Unfortunately, I can't say may the best person win, because, unfortunately, the two party system in this country rewards political hacks who have "paid their dues" with the opportunity to run for certain seats. Me, while I may not be able to vote for the best, most qualified person, I can choose not to send Nancy Pelosi's errand boy back to Congress.

Mr. Murphy - you won't be getting my vote. And thanks so much for the over 5 trillion dollars in debt you ran up during your four year stint in Congress!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Can NPR be any less responsive?

I sent the following email to the NPR ombudsman, and received the following response (if you could call it that as it fails to answer any of my questions. . . .

The behavior of the CEO during the past week has been reprehensible. The way Juan Williams' employment termination was handled was atrocious. This is a private employment matter, and Ms. Schiller's behavior, first, in failing to see him personally to deliver the news instead of having an underling fire him over the phone, and secondly, suggesting that Juan's "feelings are between him and his psychiatrist" are grounds for dismissal in and of themselves.

There is no way I will be supporting NPR or the CPB any longer. And I am calling on my state and federal representatives to defund NPR. Perhaps Ms. Schiller needs to spend some time with a psychiatrist herself to examine why she acted the way she did last week.

And, since Juan has been fired, when will you fire Nina Totenberg for her 15 year old commentary that Jesse Helms or his grandchildren should contract AIDS? Or how about "journalist" Cokie Roberts for constantly expressing her opinions, the latest this past weekend?

Apologies to the press and to NPR employees are worthless. When will NPR apologize to Juan? Or are you waiting for quite the justified lawsuit to be filed so you can waste tax-payer dollars and contributions paying him off for Schiller's multiple and egregious mistakes?

And no, you do not have the right to publish or use anything I have said here - I have a right not to agree to your terms below.

And now, for something completely different (to quote Monty Python), here is NPR's Alicia Shepard's non-responsive response:
"Thank you for your thoughts about NPR’s termination of Juan Williams. NPR Ombudsman Alicia Shepard wrote this column in response to listener concerns: NPR's Firing of Juan Williams Was Poorly Handled. Please add to the discussion by posting your comments at the end of the blog.

Many of you have written or called saying you will no longer support public radio. Public radio is more than NPR. If you like Car Talk, Fresh Air, Marketplace, On Point, On the Media, This American Life, the BBC or Prairie Home Companion, then please support your local station. NPR is not responsible for any of those programs and your station needs help to pay for them.

Thanks for taking the time to write, your thoughts have been passed on to the proper folks in charge. Please sign up for the Ombudsman weekly newsletter. Visit and enter your email address in the bucket on the right-hand side.

Office of the Ombudsman

Seriously? Where are the answers to my questions? All I see is a request for money (what, NPR didn't get enough from George Soros?). So I responded, but not on their "blog" as they insisted:
Thanks for the non-responsive reply to my comments. It's all about money to you isn't it? What about the unprofessional, reprehensible behavior of Vivian Schiller? When is she going to be fired for improperly discussing personnel matters in public and slandering Mr. Williams?

I find it mind-boggling that the "Ombudsman's" response is more concerned with money than about what is right and wrong. Alicia, Vivian, and what's-her-name, the VP chosen to give Juan the hatchet job over the phone all make me ashamed of women holding high positions in corporations. Do you know how badly the behavior of those three (never mind Nina Totenberg and Cokie Roberts) will reflect upon the rest of us and upon young women trying to rise in the ranks?

Well, since NPR and Alicia only seem to care bout money, money, money, then that's what it's going to take to catch their attention. None from me. And, I am sending this email to everyone I know. Maybe you can hit up your friend George Soros for more money and become National Soros Radio. Because NPR is certainly not representative of the public in any way, given its clear and unmistakable bias. Never, ever again will I support CPB or NPR given that no one has the decency to follow the so-called policies upon which Ms. Schiller claimed to have based Juan's firing (if these policies were true, Totenberg and Roberts, among others, would have been fired long ago).

Grow a backbone and actually address my email today and below - don't be cowardly and cut and paste a non-responsive reply. Unless this is NPR's and the "ombudsman's" way of admitting they have no real credible response. In my eyes, Alicia's response does nothing to perform the ombudsman's duty to "implement[] the transparency, responsiveness, and accountability required of a modern media organization".

Somehow, I don't think I should hold my breath for a response. . . .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vivian Schiller, it's time to earn some intergrity

Ms. Schiller, your disgraceful decision to fire Juan Williams this week shows your complete failure to understand the journalistic ethics you touted as a reason for firing Mr. Williams.

Mr. Williams is a news analyst, a term which implies that, in the course of analysis, he would be expressing an opinion. Nina Totenberg claims she is a journalist, which means she is supposed to report the news in an unbiased way, without injecting her opinion.

You took one sentence Mr. Williams uttered (on another network) out of context and failed to listen to the rest of his comments for the full meaning of his comments. Presumably, Mr. Williams is entitled to express his feelings freely, just like any other American.

Yet, you fired Mr. Williams for an honest expression of his feelings, and Nina Totenberg still works at NPR. Nina Totenberg, who opined, on July 8, 1995, that God would give Jesse Helms or his grandchildren AIDS. Explain how that upholds NPR's journalistic ethics? Explain why she is still working at NPR for such a disgusting statement. Explain why you are still working at NPR for making the comment that Juan's feelings are between him and his psychiatrist (an apology issued in the press is no apology at all - you need to apologize to Juan for it to have any meaning).

So, Ms. Schiller, I call on you to earn some integrity here - if you believe in the reason you cite for firing Juan, then fire Nina. If you don't fire Nina, then we know you do not believe in the "journalistic ethics" you cited. In which case you should resign from your position in light of the hypocrisy and the "foot in mouth disease" you exhibited. In any case, you owe Juan an apology.

And you can feel personally responsible for federal cuts to NPR and CPB, as well as a drop in donations from Americans. And 1.8 million from Soros isn't going to make up for what you personally caused NPR and CPB to lose.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Too much PC

It's really sad when people get fired in this country for voicing their opinions. I am no fan of Juan Williams, but, as Voltaire allegedly said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Juan expressed his own personal feelings on The O'Reilly Factor, and NPR punished him by firing him.

It's sad that an organization like NPR, instead of encouraging intellectual debate from all perspectives, chooses to silence those perspectives it disagrees with or because it is not perceived as politically correct. Actions like these tell me that NPR has no intellectual argument with which to counter Juan's personal beliefs and arguments, and, much like Whoopi and Joy, and other 5 year olds on the playground, has "taken its ball and gone home" leaving Juan without a game to play.

You can read the story here.

Well, NPR may get my tax money without my permission, but it will not get any direct donations from me, that is for sure. Given that NPR does get public funding ( , it's questionable as to whether, constitutionally, they can violate the First Amendment this way. In any case, all public funding should be cut if they wish to act like a private employer.

Finally, to top it all off, NPR CEO Vivian Schiller was quoted, saying whatever feelings Williams has about Muslims should be between him and "his psychiatrist or his publicist — take your pick." Now, if that isn't a bigoted comment about people who see psychiatrists, I don't know what is. Although she later issued an apology (hollow, no doubt, and not even to Juan himself), she should be fired for her thoughtless, contemptible, hateful and bigoted statement. She certainly does not follow any journalistic principles she claims she upholds Heck, since it was directed against Juan, perhaps we should classify the comment as racist, as well - after all, that's what the folks at NPR do best - call people names and insult them when it suits their moods. Hate speech, anyone? Shame on Ms. Schiller - she certainly fails to practice what she supposedly preaches.

And if what she claims about journalistic ethics is true, then why wasn't Andrea Mitchell fired from NBC during the heated debates over Obama's health care bill when she opined (remember, she's a journalist, not a commentator) that Americans were basically too stupid to know what's good for them. "You've got 47% of the people in our NBC/Wall Street Journal opinion poll who have health insurance who don't like what the president is doing. The problem he's got -- 47% of the people who've got coverage don't want change. They don't like what they're hearing. Now, they may not know what's good for them. . . ." Also discussed in my blog here
And, let's not forget Nina Tottenberg's opinions and commentaries which are too numerous to mention - this also from someone who is supposed to be an unbiased reporter - not a commentator. Seems like Ms. Schiller keeps tap-dancing around the truth behind Juan's firing, since other journalists aren't being fired for far more "heinous" opinion offenses. but then again, they are speaking the ultra-left wing political mantra, so they don't get fired by their partisan bosses who accept millions of dollars from Soros.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

No Go Blumie!

I used to like Blumenthal as our state's Attorney General. In fact, I voted for him every time he ran for that office. But, after hearing his lies (yes, LIES) about his service in Vietnam, I became disenchanted. He claims he "misspoke". Well, once, maybe, but multiple times, in my opinion, is out and out lying. And, as the daughter of a man who served his country serving in the Army, I agree with the veterans who have been saying it was a matter of honor, duty, service to the country and integrity, and definitely not a matter of POLITICS.

But, the final nail in Blumie's political coffin for me was the debate. When asked how he would create jobs, he was unable to put forth a coherent meaningful sentence, in my opinion. Basically, he said, I will create jobs by creatively creating creative jobs. In other words - no clue.

I'm not voting for him again. Do we really need another career politician in Washington? Especially when we just finally got rid of Dodd? I don't think so. I hope you don't think so either.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another fine mess our government has gotten us into

Yet again, the stupidity of our massive federal government never fails to astound. The federal government issued stimulus checks to approximately 89,000 people not entitled to them (there could be more, who knows with our government - but this is the number it admits to). Why were these people not entitled to such checks? Well, because approximately $72,000 were DEAD, and 17,000 were incarcerated.

So, approximately 23.3 million wasted (although, the families of about half the deceased do deserve credit for returning the checks - thank you honest Americans. See for more details. But really, what's 23 million dollars to Congress? Just chump change. Why? Because they just go to the chumps (i.e. hard-working American tax-payers) and get more money from them. Don't take it any more.

As for our government, IT'S TIME YOU GET YOUR ACT IN GEAR! We taxpayers are tired of you foolishly wasting our hard earned tax dollars. Most of us would be fired from our jobs if we made such bone-headed mistakes. Start taking names and firing those at fault. Because believe me, the voters will be doing an awful lot of firing of elected officials come this November.

Vote the incompetent career politicians OUT!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why the DREAM Act and the Democrats are WRONG again!

Leave it to Harry Reid, the almost gone Senator of the economically struggling state of Nevada, to tack on the DREAM Act to a defense bill. The weasily act has been perpetrated because the senator knows that it will look bad not to fund our troops; however, what he is proposing is a way to reward the children of illegal aliens with American citizenship (and then they can bring in their families legally as well). basically, trying to buy a huge block of future Democratic supporters and voters at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Why is this wrong - well, the bills have nothing to do with each other (although the Democrats would argue that the children could earn legal citizenship through military service - yes, that's what I want, people without a legal commitment and allegiance to this country defending it - that should work really well).

Let me tell you a story: Once upon a time, an Italian man decided to immigrate to the United States. he did so legally, going through Ellis Island, getting his paperwork in order and becoming an American citizen. He then went back to Italy and brought back a bride, who also went through Ellis Island and was a legal resident of the United States. They made sure all was legal before they had three children. None of the children spoke English when they started school - and there were no English as a second language classes paid for by taxpayers to cater to them. The children learned English very, very quickly. One of those children even earned herself a scholarship to a prestigious Seven Sisters School (back when the Ivy League was not open to women). There were no handouts, and the family did everything legally. Both the daughters' children graduated from an Ivy League school. As one of those grandchildren, I am appalled, as I know my grandparents were as they spoke of illegal immigration often, that people who are violating the country's laws are getting rewarded while the citizens are paying the bill. If my family, and millions of other American families, could enter the country the "right" way, and become legal citizens, why is it that we should reward those who come here illegally, and continue to stay here illegally with free education, health care, and other social services?

Well, it's time for this foolishness to stop. How can we not have the money to deport the illegal aliens, and yet have all this money to give their children a free education and give all illegal aliens free medical care in our hospital emergency rooms?

Call your Senators' offices now and tell them to vote against the Dream Act - the vote is today.

Citizenship is a privilege, not a right, and is not earned by committing illegal acts (and yes, by the time the child is of the "age of majority" choosing to remain in this country illegally means they are committing the illegal act themselves).

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Further proof it's time to oust career politicians

Watching Meet the Press this morning just re-affirmed to me just how out of touch career politicians are with the American people.

Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, daughter of "Moon" Landrieu, the Mayor of New Orleans from 1970 - 1978, and the sister of the present Mayor of New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu (Are you catching a theme here? Do you think the Landrieus are working on a family dynasty in Louisiana?), had the nerve today to slap the faces of every single American citizen when she decided to opine that we haven't done enough for New Orleans. The quote was, as follows: "Do you know how many houses all of the nonprofits have built? No more than 5,000 in five years. Do you know how many we lost? Two hundred thousand." So, non-profits, and the charity and sweat-equity of millions of American people are not enough for Senator Landrieu. How absolutely appalling and insulting. How many of those five thousand homes did you and your brother build, Senator? None, I would venture to guess. How dare you minimize what the non-profits have done for the City of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana? Have you asked the residents who have actually benefited from those homes what they think? Or, would you rather have them languishing in those formaldehyde-filled trailers that FEMA (that you as part of the federal government) provided them with? Since those 5,000 homes provided by the good people of America through non-profits are not enough for you, why don't you just reimburse, out of your own pocket, all those non-profits, and the volunteers who gave their time and effort for the "paltry" number of homes they provided your City? You and your brother should be on your knees every day thanking the non-profits, those who donate their time and effort in building the houses and the Americans who donate the money so the house can be built rather than tearing them down for building "only" 1,000 houses a year.

Then Senator Landrieu had the audacity to say that "The mayor of New Orleans at the time was offered $5 million. That wouldn't buy them a, you know, loaf of bread for the week." Are you kidding me, Senator? If you can't figure out how to spend 5 MILLION dollars in a wise enough way to "buy a loaf of bread for a week" then that goes a long way to explaining why you people in Washington keep robbing American taxpayers blind and wasting our money. FIVE MILLION DOLLARS would go an awful long way to building more homes in the area.

Once again, it's time to vote out these out of touch incumbents and career politicians, as well as would be "family dynasty" politicians, who admit they are unable to even figure out how to spend FIVE MILLION DOLLARS wisely enough to buy a loaf of bread. You, the American taxpayer, want to know where your money is going - it's going to fools who make foolish and reprehensible statements like those above, and who think that FIVE MILLION DOLLARS is worthless. Well, lady, I can surely spend FIVE MILLION DOLLARS more wisely than you can, as can the bulk of the American population. Time for you to find yourself another job where you can actually learn the value of money.

Then, the Senator also opines that what happened as a result of Katrina was not a "natural disaster", but rather a "man-made disaster. Well, of course it was - even the French, when they first settled the area, knew not to build in locations that were BELOW SEA LEVEL. But you folks in Louisiana thought that you could conquer mother nature, and you foolishly still think you can. Let me tell you, it is supreme arrogance and foolishness to continue to build below sea level and rely on levees to protect you. And, why, Senator, when you claimed it was a man made disaster because the levees failed, did you not bring up the fact that the made-made disaster actually resulted from the initial foolish decision to build BELOW SEA LEVEL? And now you are making that same mistake once again and expecting the American taxpayer to pay for it, as well as for the next time disaster strikes New Orleans (and it will). No levee is going to withstand a Category 5 hurricane, so, good luck with the next Katrina. I hope by then, the City of New Orleans will be smart enough to have an actual, workable evacuation plan in effect, because, if you had one for Katrina, it didn't work, in case you didn't notice.

I'm so glad I don't live in Louisiana - the Senator's comments today made Senator Dodd look like a genius.

Also, as an aside, in a separate segment of Meet the Press, Brian Williams spoke to DouglasBrinkley who recently published the book, The Great Deluge, which some of you may find of some interest. I have not read it yet.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Indicting Roger Clemens? Really?

What a waste of taxpayer dollars once again. Calling a A federal grand jury which today has indicted Roger Clemens on charges of making false statements to Congress about his use of performance-enhancing drugs while playing baseball. Really. Is this truly a good use of tax-payer dollars?

So what?! I don't care. Keep him out of the Baseball Hall of Fame if he violated their rules. Baseball has no place before Congress, period! The hearings themselves were a waste of time and money. But indicting Clemens for "making false statements" and "perjury" to Congress? Are you kidding me? How many times have members of Congress "made false statements" to the American people? If the Feds need to keep busy, well, start holding grand juries to look into the false statements members of Congress have made to the American people and let's start indicting some of them.


Another vacation at taxpayer expense!

In this economy, can anyone be so stupid to be so out of touch to go on yet another expensive vacation with the "glitteratti"? Apparently, the answer to that question is a decidedly loud YES!

I wish I could find an accurate count of how many vacations he's taken this year, but alas, no one seems to have compiled it. U.S. News and World Report is calling this the fifth vacation for the Obama family since July 2010 and the eighth since the beginning of 2010. Still think he's in touch with the average American?

Yes, Barry - i'monvacationagain - Obama is heading to Martha's Vineyard for yet another vacation, but all is not happy in Obama land. Apparently, his t-shirt sales have fallen:

"One barometer of the plunge in excitement has been the sale of Obama-themed T-shirts, which designers had been banking on after the craze of last year. Clothing labeled with the president’s name sold by the thousands, helping to salvage a tough economic year for the island.
But this year’s T-shirt sales are much less brisk, merchants say.
“Last year, Obama gave you goose bumps, but I don’t think you’re going to see that this year,’’ said Alex McCluskey, co-owner of the Locker Room, who sold more than 4,000 “I vacationed with Obama’’ T-shirts last year. But so far this year, he said, his hot item is T-shirts of former President Bush asking, “Miss me yet?’’"

I understand the bottom of the t-shirt says "How's that hopey-changey thing workin' for ya'?" I know it's not working so well for me. I'm still at no vacations for this year - how about the rest of you?

And before any Obama defenders come rushing to his aid - he gets a vacation allowance from taxpayers and we taxpayers foot the bill for all the Secret Service and the logistics of his every move, so don't even try to say that they pay their own way! "n addition to his salary, the President gets numerous expense accounts including:

* General account ($50000)
* Official expenses of the White House office
* Entertainment expenses
* Separate entertainment expenses for official presidential functions
* Traveling expenses for the president and anyone traveling with him (above and beyond the free limo, helicopter, and airplane rides)

In addition there is an account designated for "unanticipated needs" which is not to exceed $1 million per year. These unanticipated needs include anything for the furtherance of the national interest, security, or defense, including personnel needs and needs for services. Basically if the President is over-quota for anything listed above, he can dip into this money."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Just a quick sigh of vast relief and thanks!

As an unaffiliated voter, I am forced unfairly, through the improper use of my tax dollars, to pay for the primaries of political parties, but I am unable to vote in those primaries. This, I believe is an unconstitutional use of tax dollars for special interests, especially in light of the fact that more than half the registered voters in Connecticut are unaffiliated, or, as we prefer to call ourselves, independent. After all, we, the people, do not pay for conventions for the political parties, and the primaries are nothing but extensions of such conventions. The political parties are private entities and should be forced to reimburse the state for the use of state and municipal voting facilities. After all, making taxpayers pay for political primaries is akin to making taxpayers pay for union elections. It's absolutely senseless. But, I digress (please contact your representatives about this - although you, like me, probably won't get anywhere, since you will be trying to convince party hacks to actually put the needs of the people over the pocketbooks of their own political parties. . . . ).

In any case, back to the title of this entry - to the folks who voted in the Democratic Primary - thank you so very much for not voting for Ned Lamont to be your candidate for governor. Between the two candidates (and only between the two candidates, because there may be others out there more qualified), I do believe that you chose wisely, so thank you.

I'm sorry to learn that Justin Bernier lost the Republican primary for the US Congressional Fifth District for Connecticut, but the important thing now is to get Chris Murphy out of the House of Representatives, because, in my eyes, he does nothing but represent the Democratic Party and its and his own interests over the interests of the people whom he is actually supposed to represent.

In other words, folks, let's vote the career politicians OUT this November! Our Founding Fathers never anticipated career politicians, but instead, ordinary citizens who would serve their districts/states for a term or two and go back to their lives, not folks who would vote themselves pay raises and mooch off the backs of hard working Americans by providing themselves with the best health care our money can buy, and serve until they die in office. We, the people, however, are partly to blame for this, because we re-elect them. It's time for us to wise up and start enforcing our own term limits by voting out long-term incumbents (gee, my spell check wanted to change incumbents to incompetents - perhaps it knows something I don't?????).

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What a surprise!

Today's Associated Press headline on Yahoo News reads: "Obama says he deserves a grade of 'incomplete'". Well, what else would we expect from the man who as an Illinois State Senator voted "present" rather than Yea or Nay on almost 130 occasions. See also

And, Mr. President, it's not just the economy upon which you deserve a poor grade. You deserve an "F" in my book for ignoring the will of the American people in just about every issue that has come before you.

Stop the borrowing, stop the printing of money, cut back on the entitlements and balance the budget. Oh, and there is that little border situation: Secure the border and deport the illegal aliens. Think of how many jobs that simple task would create for our country! And, while you are at it, since you and Mr. Holder claim to have law degrees and be admitted to the bar somewhere, how about taking the "enforcement" part of the Executive branch's duties seriously and actually enforce our laws, rather than failing to enforce them for "political expediency". After all, as the official White House web site states "The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress . . . . Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress." Last time I checked, we had border security and deportation laws on the books, thanks to the Congress, so start doing the job you were elected to do and start enforcing the laws as they stand. Additionally, as attorneys, you and Mr. Holder are also "officers of the court" and should behave as such. On both these counts, again, in my opinion, you deserve and incomplete at best, an F at worst.

It's time to strive for excellence, instead of just striving to be "better" than your predecessor whom you seem to blame for all the nation's and your woes.

And, a happy 13nth birthday to someone who will never read this blog. :-)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Just like Carter - a failed Presidency

Love the Associated Press headline today: "Obama's message to voters: Things could be worse".

Are you kidding me? How could things possibly be worse, Mr. President, what with almost double digit unemployment, a double dip recession, the worst economic conditions we have seen since the Great Depression, and a President, who, 19 months into his administration, still refuses to take responsibility, instead pointing fingers, saying "it's the other guy's fault" and not getting the economy moving. I guess it's more important to travel the world making apologies for the US for whatever sin (real or imaginary) you think the country may have committed during its existence. Or, while the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico is on-going, it's more important for you to go golfing at least 7 times, and on vacation with your family, but it's acceptable for you and your administration to skewer Tony Hayward for taking one day for a yachting event. To paraphrase Mr. Rogers, "Can you say hypocrite?"

Mr. President, you have been in office for 19 months now, and what you have "accomplished" has been against the will of the American people. Things could not be worse - you have made them worse yourself - own up to what you and the party of the "government of the Democratic Party, for the Democratic Party, and by the Democratic Party" have done.

And, let me remind you, Mr. President, since your memory seems to be so short, that the Democratic Party has had control of Congress since 2006, so, these are your party's failed financial policies and over spending for the past 4 plus years that have us teetering at double digit unemployment (which we really would have if we exclude the temporary Census Bureau jobs) and saddled the American people with an almost insurmountable national debt.

It's time to vote the incumbents out and for the American people to take back the "government of the people, by the people and for the people" from these foolish, inept career politicians and the organizations to which they have sold their souls (if they ever had any to begin with) - their political parties.

Friday, July 16, 2010

More Swiss Companies to Boycott

Add Lindt Chocolatiers to your list.

Unfortunately you have to call Lindt at 1-877-695-4638. However, as I experienced, be prepared to be cut off and call back, and then when you are told you are speaking to customer service, make sure you are not speaking to the answering service as I was (they identify themselves as customer service). When I explained why I was calling, they offered to transfer me, which I accepted. Of course, the number they transferred me to indicated although I was calling during normal business hours, they were busy with other customers (hopefully, others boycotting the company). I was required to leave a message. Be advised they only work until 4:30 pm eastern time.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Time to Boycott Everything Swiss

Wow, just wow. Talk about special treatment for celebrities. The Swiss have topped it all, but refusing to honor its treaty with the United States, and turn over self-confessed child rapist Roman Polanski to complete his 90 day sentence for "unlawful sexual intercourse" the one count of 6 that he plead guilty to in exchange for his sweetheart 90 day sentence, of which he served only 42 days.

The Swiss made up, in my eyes, a totally bogus explanation for the refusal to honor its treaty, saying that the U.S. failed to prove "that Polanski served his sentence after undergoing the diagnostic study." Really? Isn't that something that Polanski and his henchmen needed to prove - that he did indeed fully serve his sentence? The U.S. proved he served only 42 days of his 90 day sentence. What about the other 48 days, Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf? Would you have made this ruling if it were your own 13 year old child he had raped, Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf? I think not.

Apparently, the Swiss don't believe in the rule of law and support and harbor child molesters. Well, not only will I not travel to Switzerland, on either business or pleasure, I will not be buying anything from any Swiss companies. First one I am notifying of my boycott - Nestle, one of the largest companies. Below is the email I am sending them - feel free to copy an paste the same for yourself and fill out the email form at the link below.

"As a Swiss company, please be advised that I will be boycotting your company and its products thanks to your Ministry of Justice's decision to refuse to honor the extradition treaty between our countries and extradite Roman Polanski to the United States to serve the remaining 48 days of his "sweetheart deal" of a 90 day sentence for pleading guilty to one count of "unlawful sexual intercourse" with a 13 THIRTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL! I might reconsider this position once the Swiss government honors its treaty with the United States and extradites Polanski. Until then, Hershey and Pepsi/Aquafina will get my business, and I will review your website for other products you sell that I might have formerly purchased so that I do not buy them by mistake."

Nestle contact link:

I will not be buying their brands including, among others:
Waters: Arrowhead, Poland Spring, Deer Park, Perrier, Pure Life, San Pellegrino and Vittell

Baby foods include Gerber and Gerber graduates (check link for more)

Breakfast cereals include some Cheerios, Cookie Crisp, Cini minis, etc. see link for more

Chocolate (of course)

Coffee - all Nescafe brands and Coffee Mate

Ice Cream products

Hot Pockets, Lean Cuisine, Stouffers, Buitoni, etc. Boost, Jenny Craig, Optifast, Power Bar

And, for pets, Alpo and Purina products.

I have also sent the following to the Swiss Department of Tourism:
"Please be advised that I will be boycotting your country and its products due to your Ministry of Justice's decision to refuse to honor the extradition treaty between our countries and extradite Roman Polanski to the United States to serve the remaining 48 days of his "sweetheart deal" of a 90 day sentence for pleading guilty to one count of "unlawful sexual intercourse" with a 13 THIRTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL! I might reconsider this position once the Swiss government honors its treaty with the United States and extradites Polanski. Until then, no Swiss company will get my business, and I will not spend my tourism dollars in your country.

Do not bother to send me any information on your country - I will not have anything to do with it until your country stops giving special treatment to a rich so-called celebrity and extradite him to serve his sentence." The contact page can be found at this link:

Contact link for SWATCH:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Transparent President?

Well, once again, the man who bought votes by claiming to be for change and for transparency in government, proves that he is is just as bad as, if not worse than other politicians. The "transparent" President, took the July 4 recess (a brief one, at that), to install Donald Berwickas the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Mind you, this man has not even been vetted, so what's in his background that our "transparent" President doesn't want you to know?

Heck even Max Baucus, the Democratic head of the committee that would examine this particular nominee, fired a stinging complaint at the President. "'Senate confirmation of presidential appointees is an essential process prescribed by the Constitution that serves as a check on executive power and protects Montanans and all Americans by ensuring that crucial questions are asked of the nominee — and answered,' Baucus said in a statement."

The only thing transparent about this presidency is the dishonesty exhibited by this administration. This is not the "transparent" president, it's more appropriately the "hypocritical president".

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy July 4!

Remember, this is our country due to the brave people who drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence. Sadly, in the present age, too many career politicians have no concept of the term "sacred honor". Please read the Declaration of Independence not only today, but on election day as well, and give us a second Independence Day.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Thank you to all those brave souls who made and continue to make this day possible for us.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Enabling Bad Behavior

Our government is at it again. Instead of enforcing our laws, it continues to enable bad behavior and the flouting of the laws of the United States. Cases in point:

1) Eric Balderas, 19, a Mexican national, here in the United States illegally, and a student on a full scholarship from Harvard, no longer faces deportation, as ICE has granted him "granted deferred action" on his deportation.

Why should this student be granted special dispensation to continue to violate the laws of the United States? I remember, when I was enrolled in public schools, my parents had to present my original birth certificate, showing that I was born in this country. When I applied to Dartmouth College Early Decision (I wisely chose not to apply to or to attend Harvard University), I was again required to provide proof of U. S. citizenship, and a valid Social Security Number on my applications, especially for financial aid. So, how does an illegal immigrant gain access to a full scholarship at Harvard without a valid Social Security Number, and proof of citizenship or being in the country legally? And why is he not facing deportation?

2) Then we have the story of Jessica Colotl, a 21 year old Mexican resident who attends Kennesaw State University in Georgia, paying, of all things, in-state tuition rates, who was arrested in March for driving without a license. She apparently was also later arrested for providing a false address, given that the car registratio she provided was not the address at which she lived. After she was released from jail, she held a press conference, saying "she never thought she would be 'caught up in this messed up system,' as she put it." In other words, she NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD BE CAUGHT. This from a student who says she "dreams of becoming lawyer" some day - just what we need, an attorney who believes in doing whatever she wants so long as she doesn't "get caught". Good luck with that, given the federal and state laws violated. The state of Georgia, as do many states, has inquiries into the character and fitness of applicants to practice law there. See the following: "Section 6. Investigation of Applicants
(a) Prior to certifying an applicant as having the integrity and character requisite to be a member of the Bar of Georgia, the Board shall make such investigation as it deems necessary into his or her character, reputation and background. Each applicant shall provide written authority to the Board to conduct such investigation, and each applicant shall authorize all persons with information about him or her to furnish the Board with such information and documents as it may request. The authority granted by an applicant shall expire upon the applicant's admission to the practice of law in Georgia, denial of his or her application, or
upon the applicant's written withdrawal of his or her application.
(b) The Board shall contact the Chief Judge of the superior courts of each judicial circuit in Georgia where an applicant has resided, attended school, or been employed during the five years next preceding the filing of his or her application and request information or recommendations concerning the applicant as the
judge desires to furnish. Further, the Board may provide for the appointment of local committees on character and fitness to investigate the background of any applicant who has worked, resided or attended school in the judicial circuit. The reports of local committees shall include the facts found during their investigations but shall not include any recommendations.
(c) A fingerprint check may be made of all applicants.

In her case ICE granted her a one year deferment so she could complete her education before being deported. Again, why? It is clear she is in this country illegally.

Both these students have cost American students or foreign students here on legal student visas, places in these universities. Why is the federal government rewarding bad behavior?

In my opinion, neither of these students have the character we want in American citizens. So, their parents brought them here illegally when they were children. So what? Both of these students turned 18 and became legal adults and were then responsible for their own behavior. They both chose to ignore U.S. law and remain here illegally. Why did they not, upon their 18nth birthdays, march themselves into a Mexican consulate, explain their situation, have their passports updated and seek help from the Mexican consulate in obtaining student visas and international drivers' licenses? Did they think the Mexican government would not have bent over backwards to help them? Ha! What Social Security Numbers did they use when they applied to their respective universities? Did they indicate on their university applications that they were foreign students and did not have proper student visas?

According to Kennesaw State University's FAQS page, the University has a policy. "KSU has a student code of conduct regarding academic honesty, plagiarism, cheating, misrepresentations, confidentiality and related scholastic standards of behavior. Violation of these codes may result in disciplinary action taken by the Office of Judicial Programs. Violations related to campus safety issues regarding theft, vandalism, sexual harassment/assault, drugs, weapons and disruption of campus life may be heard by the campus judiciary board or referred to the KSU police." Did Jessica make misrepresentations on her applications both for admission and financial aid/in-state tuition, and if so, why, under the KSU honor code is she still enrolled at the school?

Not surprisingly, according to The Harvard Crimson, Harvard has never had an honor code.

It's time to deport these two (as well as the rest of their families who are in the country illegally) - send them back to the end of the line and have them come to the country legally to finish their studies. And, upon completion, when their student visas expire, they must return to their native country. Their parents may have made the initial poor decision of bringing them here illegally, but, as legal adults, these students chose to compound the issue and made their own decisions to remain here illegally, to not seek legal status, probably made misrepresentations on their applications for admissions and financial aid, and deserve neither the education they are receiving nor the privilege of remaining in this country.

For an excellent discussion of the ethics of such cases, I highly recommend this link:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Or what?

Apparently, the Administration has written a letter to BP telling it to come up with a faster fix to the leaking oil rig by today. My question is - what is the unspoken "or else"? Or else what, Mr. President? Is the federal bureaucracy going to take over capping the leak? Wouldn't that take time away from their surfing the Internet for p orn (word mispelled to avoid inappropriate ads) on tax-payer dollars? (and I am sure that it is not just the SEC employees doing this, but probably federal employees in all agencies).

Now, let's be realistic: BP has the most vested interest in getting this well capped and getting the cleanup done. President Obama has shown he has very little vested interest in it. Examples: After the April 20 explosion he didn't get his rump (I won't be so crude as to use his language) down to the Gulf - he "minimized" the situation and went on vacation. Then, there was the federal government's delay in responding to Louisiana's request to build barrier island berms to protect delicate marshes from the oil that was rapidly approaching. Almost seven weeks later, there finally seems to be some movement on the issue, but too late to protect those marshes, which now only adds millions, if not billions to the clean-up costs - yup, government efficiency in action for you!). And, really, do we want to trust the federal government to have anything to do with this capping and cleanup when it is unable to run Social Security, monitor the Stock Exchange, run Medicare, Medicaid, and the Postal Service correctly? Ha! I have more faith in BP in solving this never-before-seen crisis and doing it quicker and more efficiently than government. And, again, we should be loathe to cut back on federal employees' Internet surfing time by making them actually work for the taxpayer dollars they take form us as salaries and benefits.

On a related note, the Democratic Party sent Congresswoman Debbi Wasserman Schultz to Meet the Press today to shill (or rather shrill) the Party's position on a multitude of issues. First of all, the woman is completely and utterly rude in my opinion. Not only did she interrupt Carly Fiorina several times, she even had the chutzpah to interrupt the host, David Gregory! The ironic thing is that if anyone dared to interrupt her, she took it as a cardinal offense and one for which the interrupter should have to pay and pay dearly - if looks could kill, her looks would have struck the interrupters dead.

Moving on to Wasserman Shultz's commentary, she failed to see the irony in requiring that BP cap a never-before-seen oil leak about 1 mile below the surface of the ocean and under incredible pressure in less than 7-8 weeks, but then claimed that the MMS agency couldn't possibly have been "cleaned-up" as she put it, by the Obama Administration's appointee in the 1.5 years since Obama has been in office. Instead, blaming Bush again, she thinks that the Administration can move as slowly as it likes to actually perform its job functions, but it should be "off with Tony Hayward's head" for not capping this leak far more expeditiously than Obama has responded to any national crisis or his agencies have responded to revamping themselves and actually fulfilling their own duties.

Until Ms. Waaserman Schultz and her cohort Florida Rep. Alan Grayson (he of the utterly despicable so-called "Republican health care plan - Don't get sick, if you do get sick, die quickly" about which I blogged last year here ) are voted out of office, I will not be spending my hard-earned money vacationing in Florida. Once Floridians finally vote these, in my eyes, fools, out of office, I might consider returning. But right now, Not even Walt Disney World can entice me to visit Florida with this un-dynamic and obnoxious partisan duo running around.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"I Can't Go for That - No Can Do"

Everyone who knows me knows what a huge Hall & Oates fan I am and have been for (gulp) 30 years. I have almost all their records/CDs, been to more than a few concerts, etc. That all stops today.

While I have all due respect for freedom of speech, which includes the freedom not to speak, or, in this case, not to perform, Daryl Hall and John Oates have severely disappointed me today by announcing they are canceling their July 2 concert in Phoenix, AZ, due to the AZ immigration law (which, I would hazard to guess, neither one has actually read - after all, neither the President of the United States nor the Attorney General of the United States bothered to read the law before they condemned it and they both claim to be attorneys).

H&O have spoken their peace on the issue, and now it's my turn:
H&O, I will no longer attend your concerts, wear your concert shirts or buy your music as a result of your stance on this issue. You see, I choose to boycott you for your failure to respect the laws of a state, and the laws of this country, and the needs of the people of AZ.

Perhaps the real reason H&O canceled their concert in Phoenix is because Phoenix, thanks to illegal aliens, has become the "kidnapping capital of the United States". Best stay out of Phoenix, boys - you'd be rich, high-profile targets for the kidnappers you want to protect.

And for those who would actually like to take the time and educate themselves about the law (Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder, you may wish to consider this, as well as H&O), here is a link to the actual law.:

Note, specifically:

So, very simply, if you are pulled over for a traffic violation, and can present any of the above, you will not, no matter what your race, nationality, color, religion, etc., be asked for proof of citizenship or a valid green card. No profiling going on here. Have the proper documentation if and when you are questioned by the police for any violation, and you don't have a problem.

Apparently, such a simple law is over the heads of H&O, but, who can blame them, after all, they don't have the legal education of Messrs. Obama and Holder and it's apparently over their heads, too.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A big "Thank You" to the people voting in PA's primary

Thank you for showing Arlen Specter the door last night in you in the Pennsylvania primary. It was much deserved. After all, as he said so many times, he was only using the Democratic Party to get re-elected. And the Democratic Party only used him for the votes they could wring out of him.

Seems he failed to learn the lesson Joe Lieberman learned in 2006 - you only have friends in the Democratic Party if a) the Party wants something from you; and/or b) you can do something for the Party. If the Party doesn't think you can do anything for them, they abandon you. After all, Chris Dodd called Joe Lieberman his good friend on multiple occasions, but when the going got tough for Joe in the Democratic Party, Dodd ran away from him (as did the rest of the Party) as fast as he could. I guess Joe gets the last laugh now.

Where were all Arlen's good Democratic friends yesterday? Like President Obama, who promised his "full support" of Specter, was only a few miles away in another state and couldn't be bothered to do a little stumping for Arlen in PA? Heck, he couldn't even do a little stumping for Arlen while the press was covering him in Ohio. What about Arlen's good friend Joe Biden? Again, he was far away in Iowa, rather than the state in which he was born, PA, to stump for his good friend. Really, with "friends" like these, you seriously need to question your choice of friends Arlen!

Well, I guess when you lie down with weasels, you can't expect them not to turn on you. After all. they are "very aggressive when [their] territory is invaded" and they tend to eat small rodents.

In any case, so long Arlen, enjoy your retirement. I only wish that your retirement income wasn't placed so squarely upon the backs of hard-working, tax-paying American citizens.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Blumenthal supporter no more.

I used to think Richard Blumenthal was a good, not great, but a good Attorney General. After today's New York Times story, in which it was revealed that Blumenthal on at least one occasion, claimed to have served in Vietnam during the war, when, in fact, he received numerous deferments and ultimately served in the Marine Reserve and did not even get close to Vietnam, I no longer have respect for the man.

According to the Times, in March, 2008, Blumenthal said: "We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam”. On other occasions he parsed his words in such a way that would mislead most of us into thinking that the fact that he "served during the Vietnam war" meant that he was in active duty and fought in the war itself. As far as I am concerned, it would not have mattered to me one way or the other if he had served in the war; however, it matters greatly to me that he would mislead people into believing he served and fought in the war.

He has lost my vote. I do not need yet another prevaricator in this particular Senate seat.

For more information see the following: and

Memo to Conan O'Brien: Stop your whining already!

Enough, Conan, really. This is all my opinion of what transpired and you can't change my mind or take action against me for stating my opinion.

I am so tired of listening to variations of "I would never do to anyone else what Jay did to me." Seriously? Really? You don't see the hypocrisy in saying that? You did what you claim Jay did to you (in reality, what NBC did to you), not once, but twice.

Let's see, the first time was back in 2004-2005, when, in my eyes, you stamped your little feet and threw a temper tantrum telling NBC that you would leave the network if you didn't get The Tonight Show, effectively forcing Jay out of The Tonight Show when he didn't want to go.

Then you took over The Tonight Show, lost half the viewers that Jay had, turned over the king of late night ratings title to David Letterman, king of inappropriate work-place conduct (again, in my opinion), and then were upset when NBC fired you and offered the job back to Jay, who promptly brought back all the viewers and was number one in the ratings again.

After that, not only did you force George Lopez out of his early time slot on TBS, you required that George call you and tell you he was okay with it (effectively making George beg, on behalf of TBS, for you to join the cable network). In my eyes, Jay did nothing wrong - NBC forced him out first (at your behest), and then earlier this year, NBC forced you out (due to losing half the audience and probably money), and then you forced George out of his earlier time slot.

I see only two bad guys here: You and NBC. And, as far as I am concerned, you aren't even funny (the best part of your show was Triumph, not you!).

So please, stop whining about Jay. Try to do a better job on your next show so that George (who is funnier than you are as far as I am concerned) didn't have to grovel in vain.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Truer words were never spoken

Thomas Jefferson was quite the radical in his day, but he seemed to know where our country was headed when he spoke these words:

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." ---Thomas Jefferson

It's time to stop the growth of government and return liberty to the people in accordance with our Constitution.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Great bumper sticker!

Walking into work today, I saw a great bumper sticker which merited repeating here. It said "Save America - Don't re-elect anyone". I love it.

In the more common vernacular, vote the bums out! No matter what party they are in, please, please vote out all the incumbents. They work for their political party and not the people and it's time to show them that we the voters are still their bosses and they report to us, not the other way around.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

"it's the economy, stupid."

I'm not one who cares much for name-calling, but it seems I have to stoop to the level of the Democratic Party and speak to them in terms they can understand. After all, the phrase, "It's the economy, stupid", was coined by Democratic strategist James Carville during Bill Clinton's 1992 run for President. So, since Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats can't understand why Americans are so angry abut the Democrats having rammed this ill-conceived so-called health care bill down our collective throats, let's start with talking to her and the others in Carville-ese: "IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!"

We have too many people out of work to pay for this monstrosity of a bill. It does need to be repealed and replaced. And, Nancy, dear, since you have so much trouble understanding why Americans are so angry with you and your party, let's take a moment to stop and think. Did you even stop to listen to what the majority of Americans wanted? That's a rhetorical question, you don't need to answer, as the answer is a resounding NO! You didn't listen to the American electorate, and to quote from Network, "we're mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore."

Hopefully this will clear things up for the Democrats in language the party can understand and explain to them why so many in Congress will be seeking other employment in mid-November this year.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Murphy Must Go"

I was heading to my car after work today when I saw a Kelly green bumper sticker saying "Murphy Must Go". Now that we no longer need the "Dump Dodd" bumper stickers and signs due to Dodd's falling on his proverbial sword at the behest of the Democratic Party, I must say, this is my favorite bumper sticker now. I presume of course, that it is referring to the so-called elected "representative" of the fifth Congressional District of Connecticut, Christopher Murphy. I say so-called, because he has made it clear that he is in office solely to represent the Democratic Party and himself, and not his constituents. So, yes, I agree whole-heartedly with the bumper sticker that reads "Murphy Must Go" and I applaud the person showing it off proudly.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Of the people, by the people and for the people. . . .

It seems that our Congress and President have forgotten the immortal words of our greatest President, Abraham Lincoln, who closed his Gettysburg Address with these immortal words: ". . . .that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

The folks in DC need to read those words until they are burned into their brains and their collective subconscious (I can't help but think of the Borg when looking at the Democratic Party lately) and note that it does not say that the government of the Democratic Party, by the Democratic Party, and for the Democratic Party shall not perish. For, indeed, if the Democratic Party rams this mess of a so-called health care reform bill down the throats of the American people, against their will, no less, ignoring the calls of the majority to begin again and do it right without trickery, pork and outright buying of votes, then the Democratic Party will be ousted from power, not only in 2010, but in 2012 as well.

Call Congress now - (202) 224-3121 - and register that you are displeased with this vote, especially if they do an end run around voting and "pass" it by the so-called "deem and pass" (or, should we call it what it is - a "demon pass") measure, which appears unconstitutional on its face.

And, finally, to quote one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." I would paraphrase it to say "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary health care run by an inept government, deserve neither liberty or temporary, inept and limited health care."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What a mess Congress and the President have gotten us into again. . .

I tried to send the below comments to President Obama, but his website limits our freedoms of speech and to petition the government to 2500 characters or less - he must have missed that day in Constitutional Law class too. Below is my full and unedited letter to the President regarding the improper behavior going on in D.C. at this time over the health care bill.

This mess of a bill that you and members of Congress call health care reform is a failure. Congress (both houses) has made an absolute mess of the whole thing. As an attorney, I could easily write a bill that would take up less than 20 pages that would provide that
1) insurance companies not exclude for pre-existing conditions;
2) insurance companies do not decline coverage for their insureds;
3) health insurance be sold across state lines; and
4) the approximately 15 million American citizens without insurance who need insurance either get covered under an expanded Medicare system, or get approximately $10,000 credit with which to buy insurance.

Not only would my bill be shorter and sweeter, it would cost the overburdened American taxpayer, 20 million of whom are unemployed or underemployed (I fall into the latter category), much less.

For the first time in my life I am happy that I was unable to have children - because this mess of a bill you are trying to ram down the collective throats of the American people will not only be a burden to present generations, but to future generations as well.

Kindly advise me - what similar "model" has the government actually managed to run, if not at a profit, at a break even point? United States Postal Service - deficit; Medicare - deficit; Medicaid - deficit; Social Security - deficit - it would have a lot more money if Congress and the White House would not have raided the "lock box" that it was supposed to have been; Amtrack - deficit. Why in the world should I trust you, Congress and the bureaucracies you will undoubtedly set up to handle the most important aspect of my life - indeed matters that could affect whether I live or die - with this mess of a bill? And why in the world have Student Loan provisions been inserted into this bill?

Let me tell you, my vote can not be bought and paid for by some large amount money given to the State of Connecticut to spend on the UCONN Health Center. From the perspective of an Independent voter (and we make up more than half the voters in the state of Connecticut), too many votes appear to have been bought and paid for on this bill with pork to various states. Not only that, your delaying of your previously planned trips (whether I agree with whether such trips are even necessary is another issue) in order to stay here to "strong-arm" Congressmen and the American people has nothing more than the appearance of bullying. And I will not be bullied and you cannot bully me. Such behavior in order to garner the votes this failure of a bill needs is not only immoral, and unethical, but it is disgusting, and we will have our say in November at the polls if you and Congress insist on ramming this mess of a bill through against the will of the American people.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The high cost of health care

So many times I hear medical professionals rant about how the evil insurance industry and the evil legal profession raise the cost of health care, but the doctors take no blame for the high costs themselves when they greatly contribute to it. Case in point:

I haven't been blogging much because I had a ruptured disc. I went to my primary car physician's office around December 8 because of lower back pain that was cramping my muscles and running down my left leg (all classic signs,as I found out much later, of a herniated disc at L4-L5 and L5-S1). Since this muscle spasm (as I had been diagnosed), had been going on for a while, my primary care physician sent me to a physiatrist, supposedly the best around. For those who don't know, physiatrists are supposedly "rehabilitation physicians,... medical doctors who are:
Experts at diagnosing and treating pain
Restore maximum function lost through injury, illness or disabling conditions
Treat the whole person, not just the problem area
Lead a team of medical professionals
Provide non-surgical treatments
Explain your medical problems and treatment plan
Work not only on treatment but also prevention"
At least according to the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

While being examined by this doctor, I had to listen to him go on and on about the book he was writing - perhaps if he paid more attention to my examination rather than his book writing, he would have noticed my drop toe - also a sign of the L-5 S-1 nerve being impinged as I later found out. Nope, he just sent me on my way for physical therapy without ordering an MRI.

During my second physical therapy session, the therapist noticed the dropped toe and was in a panic trying to reach said physiatrist (it was a Saturday). She knew it was a bad sign. My husband had to wait for over 4 hours to receive a prescription from said physiatrist. December 15, I was supposed to go for my third physical therapy session, but I had to call the office to tell them that I could not move - my back and legs had totally locked up. The nurse/receptionist said she could hear the pain in my voice and while the doctor was presently with someone, she would get him as soon as possible and get me some relief. Would you believe I never heard back from that doctor's office that day? I ended up spending 5 hours in the emergency room of the hospital that night in excruciating pain because this physiatrist, as I later found out, instead of calling me back or giving a nurse a prescription, left prescriptions for me on a nurse's desk after closing hours and everyone had gone home for the evening.

Meanwhile, I received my EOB (explanation of benefits) yesterday, and the hospital charged $1,201.00 for my visit in which a physician's assistant examined me, they took my temperature, they took a blood test and they gave me valium and percocet and the prescriptions my physiatrist should have given me. The hospital too, failed to perform an MRI, relying upo the physiatrist's treatment of me. So, because this physiatrist couldn't be bothered to get back to me, he cost me a full day of excruciating pain, loss of a day of work (as a consultant, I only get paid when I work) and cost the medical system $1,201.00 in unnecessary emergency room costs.

When I called the physiatrist's office the next morning to let them know what transpired, the nurse receptionist apologized to me and related the story of the prescriptions being left after the close of business. My husband and I demanded an MRI and the physiatrist's office said "We don't schedule those - patients do - here are some phone numbers." Funny thing is, all the phone numbers provided to my husband were WRONG numbers. My husband finally got through to one of the places and they asked for the prescription - what part of me the doctor wanted scanned. Well, apparently the physiatrist's office either doesn't do that or forgot. How helpful and yet another waste of time and money and energy.

By that time I was on the phone with my chiropractor, explained what was going on and within hours, thanks to my chiropractor and his office, I had an MRI scheduled, and within hours of the chiropractor seeing the MRI, I had an appointment the next day with the chief of neurosurgery of the local hospital my condition was so bad. I've since had to have spinal surgery and still walk with a limp.

So, in addition to an unnecessary emergency room visit, I ended up needing approximately $40,000 plus in surgery costs due to a doctor who was too busy writing a book to pay attention to a patient.

So, please, don't think that doctors are the "white knights" in the health care debate. There are some excellent ones (my chiropractor gets multiple gold stars for getting me the tests I needed, into the doctors I needed to see,and for his follow-up concern and care , but unfortunately, he is the rare doctor. Without my chiropractor, I would be in far worse shape than I am now, I am sure.). Too many doctors, due to a lack of care and concern, run up medical costs needlessly as well as cause their patients needless pain as well.

There is more to this story but this should suffice for now. Rest assured I will NEVER recommend this physiatrist to anyone. My chiropractor, however, will be getting more recommendations than he can possibly handle.

Just remember, doctors do needlessly run up health costs - do not believe them when they say that only the insurance industry and the legal profession are responsible for costs. I am living proof of a doctor causing unnecessary pain and costs.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

NEWSFLASH: Dump Dodd has Succeeded!

According to CBS Early News this morning (4:00 am Eastern time), Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (whom, as you may recall, during his latest term, changed his residency to IOWA, accepted sweetheart loans from Countrywide, among other things), is expected to announce today that he WILL NOT RUN FOR RE-ELECTION IN 2010! For some further information as it develops, check here:,0,6882638.story

Apparently, he is badly trailing his numerous Republican opponenets, and I can only speculate that the Democratic Party had a hand in calling for his "retirement", something for which I have been calling for years.

I will believe it when I see it, but this certainly buouys my spirits.

Now, if only political parties would focus on choosing candidates that are worthy of the electorate, as opposed as to those whom the parties believe can keep their own party in power, I will be ecstatic.

Let's get some qualified people in the race and give us a choice - a real choice- as to someone who will represent the people and not any political party!